Smooth Criminal: The Mad Deep Lit Report

Peter Saul’s “The Government of California” 1969. Oil on canvas, 68 × 96 in (172.7 × 243.8 cm) Collection KAWS at The New Museum, New York Smooth Criminal: The Mad Deep Lit Report “I’m smooth, but not a criminal” – Michael Jackson Prior to New York City museums and galleries temporarily closing down, this writer was […]
Papa was a Rolling Stone: In the Studio with Artist Michael Matos

Papa was a Rolling Stone In the Studio with Artist Michael Matos #matos_studio Needle drop. Needle and thread. Eye of the…You get the point. To speak of needles with multimedia artist Michael Matos may infer a number of cultural references. A visit to the artists’ studio is to be transported into a virtual cockpit […]
Decadent, Debauch and Devil-May-Care? The Mad Deep Lit Report

George Grosz’ “The Eclipse of the Sun”, (1926) Oil on canvas 81 ⅝ x 71 ⅞ in. The Heckscher Museum of Art, NY The Neue Galerie presents: “Eclipse of the Sun: Art of the Weimar Republic” “The war was a mirror; it reflected man’s every virtue and every vice, and if you looked closely, […]
Surreal, Serene and Sauvage: The Mad Deep Lit Report

Remedios Varo’s “Exploracion de las Fuentes del Rio Orinoco” (Exploration of the Sources of the Orinoco River)” (1959) Oil on canvas 44.5 x 40 cm on view at Di Donna Gallery’s “Surrealism in Mexico” . From Do Ho Suh’s ethereal “Cause and Effect” (2007) to Alicja Kwade‘s “MatterMotion” (2019) to Joan Mitchell’s “La Seine” (1967), […]
Daringly Deconstructive: In the studio with artist Beverly Silva

Slide 1: “She did not ask for more explanation” (2019) Deconstructed vintage book, library pocket, vintage music on painted canvas with found wood frame. Slide 2: “Downtown” (2016) Acrylic and collage on canvas Slide 3: ”Cityscape VI” (2014) Mixed media on paper (including netting, film). Slide 4: “Above and Below” (2019) Deconstructed book and vintage […]
“Beaux knows art? Beaux… you ain’t know diddley!”

Top left: Installation view of “Richard Learoyd: Curious” at the Pace Gallery Top Center: “Naked Man, Back View” from Lucian Freud: Monumental” at Acquavella Gallery / Top Right: Detail of “The Martyrdom of Icarus” at “Raqid Shaw: Landscapes” at the Pace Chelsea / Bottom Left: “The Martyrdom of Icarus” by Raqid Shaw / Bottom center: […]
Stitch Stitch Sizzle Sizzle

Simphiwe Ndzube “Goddess Nanana”, 2018 Acrylic, spray paint and collage on linen 78 8/10 x 94 9/10 “Uncharted Lands and Trackless Seas” Stevenson Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa Hey diddle diddle, Stitch stitch sizzle sizzle The collagist, the needle, the loom Smitten, the art world jumped over the moon. The artist Simphiwe Ndzube It’s a novel […]
In the Studio with Painter Wang Ziping 王子平

Slide 1: Wang Ziping, “Daydreaming” 白日梦, (2018) oil on canvas 布面油画 30 x 48 in. / Signed by the artist / JY&ANY30013 Slide 2: Wang Ziping, “Holding You Like a Giant Peach” 象拥抱一个大桃子一样拥抱你, (2016) Oil on canvas 布面油画 16 x 20 in. / Signed by the artist / JY&ANY30011 Slide 3: Wang Ziping, “Piping System” […]
Minions, Molls, and Masked Marauders: The World of Rosalyn Drexler

Slide 1: Rosalyn Drexler, “Rub Out” (1982) acrylic and paper collage on canvas 30 x 40 in. Slide 2: “Chuck Watches Rescue” (1989) Slide 3: “Woman Sawed in Half” (1989) Acrylic on canvas 36 x 48 in. Slide 4: “Shoot to Kill (Breaking News)” (2014) Acrylic and paper collage 40 x 30 in. Slide 5: […]
Saucy? He’s Just Getting Started! Artist: Felipe Jesus Consalvos

Slide 1: “You Can’t Forget” Collage on paper c. 1920-1960’s 57 ⅝ x 33 ½ in. The Fleisher Ollman Gallery , Philadelphia, PA Slide 2: “The American System” c. 1920-1960’s Collage on paper 58 ¾ x 32 in. Slide 3: “Everyday Housekeeping” c. 1920-1960’s Mixed media collage on paper board, double-sided 13 ⅜ x 10 […]